The IBC 2025 Meeting will feature three key topic tracks:
- CLL/MBL/lymphoma
- SMM/MGUS/multiple myeloma
2025 agenda
*All times are in CET
Thu 13
Welcome & introduction: Irene Ghobrial, George Vassiliou, Matt Davids & Shaji Kumar
Keynote talk 1: Spatially organized hubs of immune cells in the context of cancer immunotherapy: Nir Hacohen
Plenary session 1: Classification
Chairs: Catherine Cargo & Ari Melnick
- Genomic landscape of multiple myeloma and of its precursor conditions: Jean-Baptiste Alberge
- Genetically-driven immune microenvironment landscapes across myeloma subtypes: José Ángel Martínez Climent
- Non-genomic drivers of progression from MGUS to myeloma: Felipe Prósper
- Genetics of MBL to CLL transition: Catherine Wu
- Distinguishing CCUS & MDS – morphology or genes?: Sanam Loghavi
- CHIP and ALL – what do we know and what should we know?: Lourdes Mendez
Panel discussion
Plenary session 2: Early detection, screening & risk stratification
Chairs: Fabio Efficace & TBC
- MBL and CHIP – their relationship and progression to lymphoid malignancies: Susan Slager
- Screening in MGUS: Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson
- AI & CHIP/CCUS opportunities: Matteo Della Porta
- Evolution of risk stratification of SMM: Shaji Kumar
- Which prognostic tool to use for CHIP/CCUS?
- Clonal hematopoiesis risk score (CHRS): Lachelle Weeks
- Clonal cytopenia risk score (CCRS): Zhuoer Xie
Panel discussion
Breakout session 1
SMM/MGUS/MM track: Screening and risk stratification
Chairs: TBC & Shaji Kumar
- Screening for monoclonal gammopathy: Update on the PROMISE study: Catherine Marinac
- Immunological tools for assessing risk of disease progression: Romanos Sklavenitis-Pistofidis
- Utilizing PANGEA for risk stratification of MGUS and SMM: Omar Nadeem
- Risk stratification in SMM – the IMWG 2/20/20 model: Efstathios Kastritis
Panel discussion: Catherine Marinac, Romanos Sklavenitis-Pistofidis, Omar Nadeem, Efstathios Kastritis, Irene Ghobrial
CHIP/CCUS/MDS/AML track: Translational studies in clonal hematopoiesis
Chairs: Niccolò Bolli & Iannis Aifantis
- Does the immune system recognise clonal hematopoiesis mutations?: Jamie Blundell
- Telomere dysfunction and clonal hematopoiesis: Coleman Lindsley
Panel discussion
MBL/CLL/lymphoma track: Precursor to malignancy transition
Chairs: Erin Parry & Dinis Calado
- Gene expression profiling and BCR function of single human CD5-positive B cells as cell-of-origin of CLL: Hendrik Veelken
- Tracing founder mutations in follicular lymphoma precursors: Sandrine Roulland
- Enabling large-scale studies of high-count MBL using existing data in biobanks: Aswin Sekar
- Natural selection of B cells – friend or foe? Ari Melnick
Panel discussion
Welcome reception
Fri 14
Welcome to Day 2: Jesús San Miguel & Shaji Kumar
Keynote talk 2: Emerging role for context relevant clonal hematopoiesis clinics in academic centers: Mrinal Patnaik
Plenary session 3: To treat or not to treat?
Chairs: Jesús San Miguel & TBC
- Debate 1 – We should treat high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma and MGUS
- For: Shaji Kumar
- Against: Nizar Bahlis
- Debate 2 – We should treat CHIP and CCUS
- For: George Vassiliou
- Against: David Steensma
Panel discussion
Plenary session 4: Designing pre-cursor clinical trials
Chairs: Uma Borate & TBC
- The use of QoL & toxicity over time in precursor trials: Betsy O’Donnell
- Designing precursor clinical trials: MGUS/SMM/MM perspectives: Ken Anderson
- Good but not perfect: CCUS clinical trials – opportunities for incremental improvement: Uma Borate
- Talk title TBC (MBL/CLL/lymphoma perspective): Paolo Ghia
- Decisions, debates and data: How precursor patients evaluate their options: Jenny Ahlstrom
Panel discussion
Breakout session 2
SMM/MGUS/MM track: Evaluating different endpoints in SMM/MGUS trials
Chairs: Ken Anderson & Catherine Marinac
- The use of biochemical progression as an endpoint: Adam Sperling
- The use of CR / MRD as an accelerated endpoint: Nisha Joseph
Panel discussion: Adam Sperling, Nisha Joseph, Irene Ghobrial, Hira Mian
CHIP/CCUS/MDS/AML track: Practical considerations in patients with clonal hematopoiesis
Chairs: Lachelle Weeks & Sanam Loghavi
- Case 1 – CHIP patient with solid tumor cancer
- Panel discussion: Kelly Bolton, Mrinal Patnaik
- Case 2 – Patient with high-risk CCUS
- Panel discussion: Catherine Cargo, Uma Borate
- Case 3 – Patient with donor-derived clonal hematopoiesis
- Panel discussion: Lourdes Mendez, Coleman Lindsley
Panel discussion
CLL/MBL/lymphoma track: Novel tools to explore the biology of malignant transformation
Chairs: Sandrine Roulland & Paolo Ghia
- Single cell multi-omics in MBL: Giovanni Tonon
- Mouse models of lymphoma to characterize therapy resistant cells: Dinis Calado
- 3D culture systems to model the leukemia microenvironment in vitro: Cristina Scielzo
- Novel testing approaches for the early detection of suspected lymphoproliferative disorders: Anton Langerak
Panel discussion
Breakout session 3
SMM/MGUS/MM track: Latest clinical trials and evidence generation
Chairs: Salomon Manier & TBC
- Curative approaches: Salomon Manier
- Preventative approaches: Meletios Dimopoulos
- Phase II trials and immunotherapy approaches in SMM: Omar Nadeem
- Non-drug interventions in SMM/MGUS: Diet and lifestyle: Urvi Shah
- Which treatment should you choose for your high-risk SMM patient?
- Daratumumab: Meletios Dimopoulos
- Lenalidomide: Angela Dispenzieri
Panel discussion
CHIP/CCUS/MDS/AML track: Clinical studies in clonal hematopoiesis
Chairs: Amer Zeidan & Kelly Bolton
- Gene editing to model clonal hematopoiesis: Ravi Majeti
- Targeting the inflammasome in high-risk clonal hematopoiesis: Uma Borate
- The role of vitamin C in low-risk MDS and precursor conditions: Kirsten Grønbæk
- What we can learn about clonal hematopoiesis from large interventional studies: David Steensma
- Use of ivosidenib in IDH1-mutant CCUS: Clinical trial updates: Kelly Bolton
Panel discussion
CLL/MBL/lymphoma track: Clinical investigations in precursor conditions
Chairs: Matthew Davids & Anna Schuh
- Updates in MBL: Andrew Rawstron
- Relationship between immunity and MBL: Miguel Alcoceba Sánchez
- Updates on vaccination as an early intervention strategy in CLL: Marwan Kwok
- Updates on machine learning and early intervention strategies: Carsten Utoft Niemann
Panel discussion
Keynote talk 3: FDA – endpoints and trial designs in precursor conditions: Bindu Kanapuru
Plenary session 5: Defining response criteria
Chairs: Kelly Bolton & Amer Zeidan
- Defining new endpoints for clinical trials in smoldering myeloma: Irene Ghobrial
- Relevant and achievable endpoints in CHIP and CCUS: Zhuoer Xie
- Novel endpoints for MBL/early-stage asymptomatic CLL: Sameer Parikh
Panel discussion: Irene Ghobrial, Zhuoer Xie, Sameer Parikh, and Bindu Kanapuru
Plenary session 6: Latest from clinical trials I
Chairs: Elena Zamagni & David Steensma
- Why should we intervene in precursor diseases: Jesús San Miguel
- Why an early timepoint of MRD would matter in SMM: Ken Anderson
- CDK4/6 inhibitors to prevent therapy-related TP53 CH expansion: Kelly Bolton
- Update on early intervention in CLL: Petra Langerbeins
Panel discussion
Day 2 wrap up
Gala dinner
Sat 15
Welcome to Day 3: Amer Zeidan & Matthew Davids
Keynote talk 4: Clonal hematopoiesis and non-haematological disease: Siddhartha Jaiswal
Plenary session 7: Latest from clinical trials II
Chairs: Jesús San Miguel & TBC
- Smoldering Myeloma Registration Trial (SMRT Study): Carlyn Rose Tan
- Risk adapted approaches to intervention in SMM: Kwee Yong
- Challenges and opportunities for early interventional trials in clonal hematopoiesis: Mrinal Patnaik & Ludovica Marando
Panel discussion
Plenary session 8: Stakeholder panel discussion
Chairs: George Vassiliou & Irene Ghobrial
Panellists: Ken Anderson, Jenny Ahlstrom, Helgi Van De Velde, Mark Wildgust
Plenary session 9: Breakout summaries, outcomes and initiatives
Chairs: George Vassiliou & Matthew Davids
- MBL/CLL/lymphoma track: Matthew Davids & Paolo Ghia
- SMM/MGUS/MM track: Shaji Kumar & Irene Ghobrial
- CHIP/CCUS/MDS/AML track: George Vassiliou & Amer Zeidan
Panel discussion
Meeting summary and close: Irene Ghobrial, George Vassiliou, Matt Davids & Shaji Kumar